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Cold Laser Therapy Treatment Device for Pet Pain Relief

Cold Laser Therapy Treatment Device for Pet Pain Relief

Regular price $277.00 USD
Regular price $317.40 USD Sale price $277.00 USD
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Cold Laser Treatment Device for Arthritis and Pain Relief. 4×808nm 16×650nm Low-Level Laser Therapy


Cold Laser Light Therapy Provides Many Unique Benefits

Here's a Quick List:

  1. Cold Lasers stimulate the Production of ATP in the Mitochondria - Increased ATP allows the cell to both accept nutrients and dispose of waste products faster, by increasing the energy levels in the cell.
  2. Reverses the Cell Death Process and Promotes Cell Repair light therapy can reverse some cell death processes by increasing ATP production.
  3. Cellular Regeneration Light therapy prevents the overproduction of scar tissue and ensures quicker (up to 250X) cellular regeneration.
  4. Clearing of Inflammation and Increased Lymphatic ActivityLocal inflammation, although necessary, is harmful to local cells. Light therapy lessens inflammation and ischemia, helping the cell to take up nutrients and oxygen from surrounding tissue and blood vessels.
  5. Increased Immune System ActivityNear-infrared light has been shown to increase immune system functioning.
  6. Increased Blood SupplyLight therapy stimulates the formation of new capillaries and blood vessels to replace damaged ones.
  7. Systemic Effect and Reduced Excitability of Nervous Tissue Light therapy assists in reducing the excitability of nerve tissue, thereby relieving pain. It also increases endorphins and serotonin, providing a further systemic pain-relieving and calming effect. This is important in both acute and chronic pain relief.
  8. Collagen Production Collagen is the most essential protein building block used to repair damaged tissues, and to replace old tissues. By increasing and regulating collagen production, less scar tissue is formed.
  9. Promotes Healing Light therapy raises white blood cell counts and improves cell growth. It also stimulates DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in cells.
  10. DetoxificationLight therapy stimulates metabolism, promoting the elimination of toxins and waste products that accumulate in cells.
  11. Accelerates Metabolism - Boosting cellular metabolism slows the aging process and provides optimal energy levels for peak cellular function.   



  • 1 Hand Held Cold Laser Device
  • 1 Cord with Plug
  • 1 Pair of Eye Protecting Glasses
  • 1 Instruction Manual - including instructions for both humans and pets


30-day Return Policy
Happiness Guaranteed

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